Herbicide ANTHEM® ANTHEM® is a long-lasting and reliable residual herbicide providing a foundation in control programmes targeted at tough grass and broad-leaved weeds in cereals.
Insecticide APHOX® A fast acting aphicide for use in Field bean, Broad bean, Vining peas and Combining peas.
Insecticide APOLLO® 50 SC APOLLO® 50 SC contains clofentezine for the use on apples and pears. APOLLO® 50 SC gives excellent control of red spider mite and some control of apple rust mite.
Fungicide ARIZONA® ARIZONA® (folpet 500 g/l) is a unique multi-site fungicide that provides valuable additional protection against key diseases in wheat and barley.
Fungicide ARTEMIS™ ARTEMIS™ is a versatile fungicide, containing two triazoles, prochloraz and tebuconazole and a mildewicide, fenpropidin. In wheat the product is most suited to both T0, where it controls early season diseases and T3, where it demonstrates excellent control of ear diseases, including Microdochium
Herbicide BLANCO™ A residual herbicide for controlling broad-leaved weeds in winter and spring oilseed rape, winter and spring field beans, combining peas, vining peas and potatoes.
Fungicide BONTIMA® A co-formulation of cyprodinil and isopyrazam for the control of a range of key diseases on barley.
Growth Regulators BREVIS® BREVIS® differs from hormonal thinning agents as it temporarily inhibits photosynthesis without interacting with plant hormone regulation.
Fungicide CAPTAN 80 WDG CAPTAN 80 WDG is recognised as one of the leading actives to control apple scab.
Molluscicides Carakol® IRON Carakol® IRON is a ferric phosphate molluscicide for use in cereals, oilseed rape, potatoes, and a wide range of horticultural crops.
Fungicide CEBARA® A co-formulation of cyprodinil and isopyrazam for the control of a range of key diseases on barley.
Herbicide CHROME® CHROME® combines Flufenacet, Diflufenican and Chlorotoluron in one easy-to-use co-formulation —to help control key weeds within your cereal crop.
Herbicide Cleancrop FRIZBEE™ A residual herbicide for use pre and or post-emergence on defined varieties of potatoes.
Herbicide Cleancrop NATIONAL™ A long-lasting and reliable residual herbicide providing a foundation in control programmes targeting tough grass and broad-leaved weeds in cereals.
Fungicide CLEANCROP PROTOCOL® a unique, high performing prothioconazole to ensure strong activity against key diseases in cereals
Herbicide CLEAVE® A selective herbicide for the post-emergence control of a range of broadleaved weeds in winter and spring wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale.
Herbicide CLIPPER® A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops.
Fungicide COLORADO® A unique multi-site protectant fungicide for wheat and barley providing an anti-resistance strategy for the control of Septoria and other cereal diseases.
Fungicide CONCORDE® A co-formulation of cyprodinil and isopyrazam for the control of a range of key diseases on barley.
Fungicide CUSTODIA® A broad spectrum systemic fungicide containing two complementary active ingredients for the control of Sclerotinia in oilseed rape.
Molluscicides Enzo™ IRON Enzo™ IRON is a ferric phosphate molluscicide for use in cereals, oilseed rape, potatoes and a wide range of horticulture crops.