Discover our Involvement in Stewardship
The importance of using OSR herbicides responsibly
As the pressure grows on water companies to tackle the issue of herbicides in drinking water, key active substances such as metazachlor, carbetamide, propyzamide,quinmerac and chlorpyralid are coming under increasing scrutiny.
Find out more about using OSR herbicides responsibly
Metaldehyde Stewardship: Promoting responsible usage for long term sustainability
Metaldehyde based slug pellets continue to be the primary molluscicide of choice for many UK farmers in controlling a pest which, if left unchecked, could cost an estimated £43.5m per year in lost wheat and oilseed rape yield.
Find out more about Metaldehyde Stewardship
Clomazone Stewardship
Clomazone as an active ingredient, is active at very low dose rates and therefore it is important to take care when spraying any clomazone products to mitigate drift onto surrounding crops and hedgerows etc.
Find out more about Clomazone Stewardship