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Alistair Eccles

Harvest Predictions 2024 - Scotland

Scotland still enjoys the enviable position that black-grass still doesn’t pose a significant risk. It is present on a few farms, but it is still very much limited in extent and I have personally never come across it on farm.
Alistair Eccles

Throughout Scotland, winter barley crops are at the milky ripe stage, with very few crops remaining disease free: the biggest problems are the usual suscpects, ramularia and rhynchosporium, both of which are evident on the flag leaf of the majority of crops. High levels of net blotch have also been reported. Where it has been used, ARIZONA (500g/l folpet) has helped to keep the lid on ramularia.

Winter wheats are flowering well, but are also feeling the effects of rising septoria pressure once more, with trace levels of yellow rust also being seen.

Early crops of spring barley have already got their awns out, with ramularia – thankfully – yet to make an appearance. Unfortunately, rhynchosporium is now infecting the base of many crops. Elsewhere, later drilled crops have recently been receiving their T2 treatments.

The first Scottish combines are likely to get going on winter barley in mid-July at the earliest, with winter OSR still not expected to be taken until early August.

In terms of yield predictions, I doubt we’ll see anything exceptional, especially as the cool conditions in June mean there are concerns regarding grain fill, but I remain hopeful on behalf of all Scottish growers.

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