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ARTEMIS is a versatile fungicide, containing two triazoles, prochloraz and tebuconazole and a mildewicide, fenpropidin. In wheat the product is most suited to both T0...

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General Info

Key Benefits

• Effective against both Fusarium and Microdochium.
• Reduces mycotoxins.
• Protects flag leaf, ear and yield.
• Tebuconazole, prochloraz and fenpropidin co-form for control of other late season key diseases, including brown rust.

Crop Information 

Crops Max individual dose (L/ha) Max total dose (L/ha) Latest time of application
Wheat 2.0 4.0 Before the beginning of flowering (GS 61)

For all cropping information download the product label. 

Protecting your Yield

ARTEMIS™ contains tebuconazole, prochloraz and fenpropidin which combine to provide outstanding control of ear blight and foliar diseases. The tebuconazole and prochloraz  components provide efficacy against F. graminearum and culmorum as well as Microdochium nivale and majus. Whether your driver is foliar disease top ups, ear blight or mycotoxins, ARTEMIS™ at T3 will ensure yield and grain quality through to harvest.

The effective protection of flag leaves and newly emerged ears represents the final challenge of our fungicide programme. Apply ARTEMIS™ at T3 to control ear blight, reduce mycotoxins and maintain yields.

Use Recommendation

Apply ARTEMIS™ at 1.3-2.0 L/ha just before flowering (GS 59-61) for preventive activity. Use higher rate if rain is forecast during flowering

Product Information

Application information

Water volume: 100-300 L/ha*

Spray quality: Medium

Max ind dose: 2L/ha

Max total dose: 4L/ha


*Max. concentration must not exceed 1.0L product per 100L water

Technical Helpline

Technical Helpline: 01635 876 622

ARTEMIS™ is a registered trademark of ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd.

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

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