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A highly effective fungicide for controlling potato blight. Ideally positioned at rapid canopy but flexible enough to be used through all stages of the blight programme...

Hubble® PS APR22

Tank Mix data

General Info

Key Benefits

Local systemic plus dual protective actives
• Both anti-sporulant and sporicide activity
• Effective at rapid and stable canopy stages
• Active on foliar blight and tuber blight
• An easy to use low dose formulation
• Translaminar
• Curative kickback when intervals stretched
• Ideal timing rapid canopy

Crop Information

Crop Max individual dose
(L product / ha)
Max total dose
(L product / ha)
Timing and
Potato 0.75 Five per crop 7 days before harvest

For all cropping information download the product label. 

Use Recommendations 

Rapid Canopy Phase: The systemicity of dimethomorph provides protection to new growth during rapid canopy expansion and gives some kickback activity where intervals are stretched. Dimethomorph and fluazinam both provide protectant activity

Flexibility - while optimum timing is early at rapid canopy, Hubble can also be used later at stable canopy where translaminar movement ensures protection of unsprayed lower leaf surfaces. Dimethomorph and fluazinam also provide anti-sporulant and sporicide activity to reduce sporulation rates, spore viability, mobility and ultimately tuber blight protection

Product Information

Application information

Water volume: 200- 400L/ha

Wpray quality: Medium

Max ind. dose 0.75L/ha

Max no. applications: 5 per crop


Technical Helpline

Technical Helpline: 01635 876 622

HUBBLE® is a registered trademark of ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd.

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use

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