A unique, high performing prothioconazole offering strong activity against key diseases in cereals and OSR
Tank Mix data
General Info
Key Benefits
• SORATEL® is formulated using Asorbital formulation technology, including a built-in adjuvant and special solvent system.
• A fully optimised formulation improving uptake into the leaf, creating excellent systemic activity within the plant and increased rainfastness.
• Superior disease control compared to leading prothioconazole
• Consistent and reliable under a range of conditions
Crop Information
Crop | Max individual dose (L/ha) |
Max total dose (L/ha) |
Latest time of application |
Winter & spring wheat, durum wheat, winter rye |
0.8 | 2.4 | Before grain milky ripe stage (GS 70) |
Winter & spring barley, winter & spring oats |
0.8 | 1.6 | Before beginning of flowering (GS 61) |
Winter oilseed rape | 0.7 | 1.4 | Full flowering (BBCH 65) (PHI 56 days) |
For all cropping information download the product label.
In extensive European trials, SORATEL® consistently showed a notable improvement in disease control under a range of conditions compared to the current market leading prothioconazole. Specifically, under Maritime conditions, trials have shown that SORATEL® is up to 18% more efficacious against fusarium than the current market leader.
Product Information
Application information
Water volume: 100-300L/ha
Spray quality: Medium
Technical Helpline
Technical Helpline: 01635 876 622
SORATEL® is a registered trademark of ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd.
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.