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STAVENTO® (folpet 500 g/l) is a unique multi-site fungicide that provides valuable additional protection against key diseases in wheat and barley.

STAVENTO® packshot

STAVENTO® (folpet 500 g/l) is a unique multi-site fungicide that provides valuable additional protection against key diseases in wheat and barley. ARIZONA® delivers a reliable return on investment through enhanced disease control and safeguards the efficacy of partner products as part of an anti-resistance strategy.

Tank Mix data

General Info

Key Benefits

  • Enhances disease control by providing additional activity against septoria in wheat, and ramularia, net blotch and rhynchosporium in barley.
  • Provides a useful reduction of yellow and brown rusts, as well as intrinsic activity against mildew.
  • Delivers a reliable return on investment by extending green leaf area duration, resulting in higher yields and enhanced crop quality.
  • STAVENTO's® unique folpet multi-site mode of action makes it the only fungicide which has been proven to extend the effective lifetime of at-risk fungicides by delaying the development of resistance.

Crop Information

Crop Max individual
dose (L / ha)
Max number
of applications
Latest time of application
Winter & spring
wheat, winter &
spring barley
and triticale
1.5 3.0 Before end
of heading/
inflorescence fully
emerged (GS 59)

For all cropping information download the product label. 

Stavento® in wheat

• 1.0 - 1.5L prod/ha at T1 & T2
• 1.0L prod/ha at T0
High risk => 3 x 1.0L prod/ha (T0, T1, T2)
Consider including STAVENTO® at the first fungicide application in any crop
Maximum 3.0L product/crop


Product Information

Application information

Water volume: 200-400L/ha

Spray quality: Medium

Max ind. dose: 1.5L/ha

Max total dose: 3L/ha


Technical Helpline

Technical Helpline: 01635 876 622

STAVENTO® is a registered trademark of ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd.

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

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