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A herbicide recommended for the post-emergence control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in winter cereals and winter oilseed rape (EAMU).

FOX™ Packshot JUL24

Tank Mix data

General Info


  • Requires good leaf coverage – 200L/ha water volume recommended
  • Add oil where crops are frost hardened to boost efficacy 
  • Allow 10 days between other applications

Crop Information

Crops Max Individual Dose
(L product/ha)
Max No. Treatments
(per crop)
Latest Timing
Winter wheat, winter barley, 
winter rye, winter triticale
1.5 1 BBCH 29 (up to the end of tillering)
(was before second node detectable (GS32))
Oilseed rape (winter) 
(was EAMU)
(was 2)
BBCH 19 (up to the end of leaf development)
(was before first buds visible)

Do not use on crops intended for seed.

For all cropping information download the product label. 

Product Information

Application Information

Water volume: 200-400L/ha

Spray quality: Medium

Aquatic buffer: 5 metres


EAMU Information

FOX® may be used under EAMU 20142318 for control of Geranium Species in OSR, application is ‘at the grower’s risk’.

Technical Helpline

Technical Helpline: 01635 876 622

FOX® is a registered trademark of the ADAMA group.

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

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