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Maize Crop

Cost-Effective Maize Weed Control with Easy-to-Use Pendimethalin

Depending on how quickly soils have started to dry out following the spring’s incessant rainfall, maize drilling is either already in progress or soon to start.

As such, the question of whether to use a pre- or post-emergence weed control strategy to protect the young crop when it is at its most susceptible is at the forefront of many growers’ minds.
Maize Crop

One of the key considerations when looking to maximise the efficacy of pre-emergence/residual herbicides is to ensure there is adequate soil moisture for the active ingredient to be taken up by the target plants. This shouldn’t be a problem in most cases this year, but for crops being drilled into lighter land, it is worth remembering that some active ingredients will become less effective at controlling weeds germinating from depth. 

One way to improve weed control in drying conditions is to use a product with an SC (suspension concentrate) formulation. 

For growers currently using pendimethalin, and those who want to introduce a non-ALS inhibiting mode of action (to target annual meadowgrass and broad-leaved weeds such as poppy, or where ALS resistance has been confirmed) ANTHEM (400 g/L pendimethalin in an SC formulation) offers a distinct advantage over rival CS (capsule suspension) formulations. As the graphs below illustrate, ANTHEM achieves better consistency in terms of product uptake compared to CS products. 

 Focal Point Preview Image


Focal Point Preview Image

ANTHEM (400 g/L pendimethalin) is a long-lasting and reliable residual herbicide which provides a good foundation in weed control programmes to target tough grass and broad-leaved weeds. ANTHEM offers four key benefits: 

  • SC formulation enhances uptake in drying conditions 
  • Non-ALS mode of action 
  • Broad spectrum weed control (inc. ALS-resistant species) 
  • Easy to pour, rinse and clean 
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