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Spring barley

Maximising spring barley protection at T2

With the warmer weather helping crops to progress rapidly through their growth stages, spring barleys are quickly approaching the T2 window – a critical timing in the defence against ramularia.
Spring barley

Including ARIZONA (500 g/l folpet) at the T2 timing in spring barley fungicide programmes for management of rhynchosporium also adds crucial protection against ramularia and helps to maximise the crop’s specific weight potential.

Trials carried out last year indicate that including ARIZONA as a tank mix partner reduces ramularia infections and helps crops to maintain a greater green leaf area for longer.

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Above and below: The key timing for ARIZONA (500g/l folpet) in spring barley is at T2 when it improves ramularia protection and maintains the green leaf area of Leaf 1 and Leaf 2.

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Improved reduction of ramularia, yield enhancement and crop performance have been recorded where ARIZONA is included used twice in the programme: at T1 or T1.5 (typically at GS37 in conjunction with a PGR) and again at T2 (GS49) to target ramularia.  This is demonstrated in the results from an Irish trial in 2021 below;

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Above and below: ARIZONA gives improved ramularia protection and delivers the best yield response when applied twice in the season.

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The perfect partner

ARIZONA is also the ideal tank mix partner at T2 as it does not interfere with the uptake of curative partner products, thereby enabling triazoles and SDHIs to work to their full efficacy.

As a multi-site fungicide, ARIZONA also helps to delay the resistance of diseases to single site chemistries, thereby extending their effective life and ensuring crops remain cleaner for longer.

ARIZONA can be used at a maximum total rate of 3.0 litres per crop: this makes it flexible enough to be used throughout the programme for protection against rhynchosporium and ramularia.  For ramularia protection include at 1.0-1.5 l/ha at T2 (GS39/49).

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