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Spring barley

Powering-Up early season weed control in spring crops

With spring drilling already underway in some parts of the UK, we’re giving a timely reminder of the advantages of using our triple-action herbicide, TOWER®.
Spring barley

TOWER is our unique three-way combination of 250 g/L chlorotoluron, 40 g/L diflufenican and 300 g/L pendimethalin for the control of a wide range of grass and broad-leaved weeds at the pre- and post-emergence application timings in spring barley and spring wheat.

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TOWER-ing new label

In addition to its use in barley and wheat, TOWER has also recently received approval for use in spring rye and spring triticale and is one of only a handful of herbicides labelled for grassweed control in these crops.

With its new approval, TOWER offers growers the potential to control any ALS-resistant weeds such as Poppy, Chickweed and Mayweed. It can be used at its full rate as a pre-emergence residual treatment to deliver in excess of 95% of control of many problem weeds such as those listed in the diagram below.

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TOWER can also be used as an early post-emergence contact treatment (when the grassweed target has one or two leaves) when it will deliver a level of performance on a par with its pre-emergence function. Its efficacy at the post-emergence timing will however be hampered in excessively dry conditions, so our recommendation is to apply as a pre-emergence treatment to insure against dry conditions post-drilling.

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TOWER® is a unique residual herbicide containing a three-way mixture of chlorotoluron (250 g/L), diflufenican (40 g/L) and pendimethalin (300 g/L). It provides excellent standalone control of annual meadow grass and broad-leaved weeds and can be used pre- and post-emergence in winter and spring cereals.

Power-Up with straight pendimethalin 

ADAMA’s herbicide range also includes our straight pendimethalin product, ANTHEM® (400 g/L pendimethalin).

This proven herbicide’s unique mode of action is the ideal foundation in weed control programmes as it offers good efficacy against a wide spectrum of grass and broad-leaved weeds including ALS resistant weeds.

And, thanks to ANTHEM’s SC (suspension concentrate) formulation which is more effective than many other straight pendimethalin products, ANTHEM can be used just as effectively as a standalone product or as a tank mix partner with many other chemistries.

ANTHEM® (400 g/L pendimethalin) is a long-lasting residual herbicide for the control of a broad spectrum of grass and broad-leaved weeds in cereals.


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