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Ramularia on winter barley

Boosting ramularia control with ARIZONA at T2

With the weather finally starting to improve in most parts of the UK, our attention turns to controlling ramularia in those crops of winter sown barley which have survived the wet conditions.
Ramularia on winter barley

Waterlogging is one of the key stress factors which can increase the risk of ramularia. An effective T2 treatment – the key timing for protection against ramularia – will therefore be crucial for those crops which have been sitting in wet soils, and for those where the T1 treatment was missed or applied at a less than ideal timing.

The addition of ARIZONA (folpet 500g/L) provides a distinct improvement in ramularia control, contributing to better yields and grain quality by extending the crop’s green leaf area duration.

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Including folpet at T2 provides five clear benefits:

  • Boosts ramularia control, particularly where disease builds early from a wet spring
  • Extends green leaf area and duration
  • Works with partner products to improve ramularia control
  • Provides additional protection against rhynchosporium and net blotch
  • Provides a significant return on investment by enhancing crop yield

Extended green leaf area and better yields

As the charts below illustrate, trials have shown that the inclusion of folpet as a tank mix partner with other chemistries enhances the level of disease protection provided: adding folpet helps to maintain a greener canopy for longer which subsequently enables the crop to deliver an enhanced yield.

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Trials have shown that the inclusion of ARIZONA at T2 helps to reduce ramularia pressure in winter barley, with plants staying greener for longer (see images below).

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Flexible options for ramularia protection

Although T2 is the key timing for including folpet in any scenario, the very best levels of disease control are seen when folpet is applied at two spray timings:

Option 1: improved ramularia protection where disease builds early from a wet spring

  • T1: include folpet at 1.0-1.5 litres of product per hectare (GS30/31)
  • T2: include folpet at 1.0-1.5 litres of product per hectare (GS39/49)

Option 2: improved ramularia protection & flexibility to apply first split with PGR application

  • T1.5: include folpet at 1.0-1.5 litres of product per hectare (GS37)
  • T2: include folpet at 1.0-1.5 litres of product per hectare (GS39/49)

Option 3: maintain protection where the canopy is extended

  • T2: include folpet at 1.0-1.5 litres of product per hectare (GS39/49)
  • T3: include folpet at 1.0-1.5 litres of product per hectare (7-10 days after T2, before GS59)

More information

To find out more about how and when to use folpet in spring spray programmes visit our multi-site fungicide information page at

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ARIZONA (500 g/l folpet) is a unique multi-site protectant fungicide providing an anti-resistance strategy for the control of a range of cereal disease. Click here for more information.

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