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Unique prothioconazole formulation boosts disease control

The unique formulation used in both of ADAMA’s prothioconazole fungicides, SORATEL® and MAGAN®, offers improved control of a range of stem-base, foliar and ear diseases throughout the season.

SORATEL (250 g/L prothioconazole) and MAGAN (250 g/L prothioconazole) are both formulated using ADAMA’s unique ‘AsorbitalTM’ technology which uses two solvents and a built-in adjuvant to improve uptake of the prothioconazole fungicide into the leaf. The novel formulation also enables excellent systemic movement of the active ingredient through plants to the site of action against fungal cells. 

This optimised uptake and movement makes these products the ideal prothioconazole choice in a range of combinable crops (winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats, oilseed rape and winter rye) as it offers improved control of fusarium ear blight and better control of septoria, rhynchosporium, net blotch, sclerotinia, rusts and mildew compared to the current market-leading prothioconazole product. 

Both products are ideal choices for T3 fungicide treatments, but they can also be used in advance of this timing thanks to their flexible labels. 

Leaf uptake and migration study 

Independent laboratory trials carried out by BIOtransfer (France, 2021) have shown that the uptake of ADAMA’s formulation is quicker and more effective against septoria compared to the market leading prothioconazole product: a standardised amount of the test products (each delivering equivalent amounts of prothioconazole per product) was applied to the basal part of wheat leaves, with the apical part of the leaves left untreated. This allows penetration into the basal part and potential migration into the apical part.  At various timepoints after application the basal part is washed to halt uptake and remove any remaining surface residues whereas the apical part is removed with scissors to stop any further migration. Both leaf parts were subsequently inoculated with septoria and incubated under saturated, humid conditions. Septoria control was then evaluated at both 21 and 28 days post inoculation (dpi), with the results reflecting the quantity of active ingredient present in each part of the leaf: less disease in the basal part indicated faster penetration into the leaf; less disease in the apical part indicated better migration from the basal part to the apical part. 

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dpi – days post inoculation; hAA – hours after application 

Trials have shown that the uptake of ADAMA’s formulation is quicker and more effective against septoria compared to the market leading prothioconazole product. (Source: Independent laboratory trials conducted by BIOtransfer, France) 

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DAA – days after application 

The ADAMA formulation also offers better protection against septoria in non-treated leaf areas thanks to its superior movement within plants. (Source: Independent laboratory trials conducted by BIOtransfer, France) 

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Better than the best against fusarium 

ADAMA’s prothioconazole fungicides offer real and tangible benefits above and beyond those already available from other prothioconazole based fungicides, with European trials showing that, gramme for gramme per hectare, SORATEL and MAGAN consistently and reliably provide a notable improvement in disease control under a range of conditions compared to the current market leading prothioconazole product: in extensive trials, both have proven to give up to 18% (Maritime conditions) and 13% (UK conditions) more control of fusarium. 

Similar results have also been seen when using ADAMA’s Asorbital formulations to treat sclerotinia in oilseed rape growing in a maritime climate. 

Broad spectrum activity 

SORATEL and MAGAN can be used as standalone products or as tank mix partners with other fungicides to deliver a broader spectrum of activity. They can be used at a range of treatment timings (before grain milky ripe stage (GS 70) in wheat and rye, before the beginning of flowering (GS61) in barley and oats, and up to mid flowering in oilseed rape) to provide improved protection against a wide spectrum of arable crop diseases. 


Crop  Diseases controlled 


Septoria (leaf and glume blotch) 

Powdery mildew 

Yellow rust 

Brown rust* 

Tan spot* 

Fusarium ear blight* (reduction of deoxynivalenol) 

Reduction of sooty moulds 



Powdery mildew 

Yellow rust 

Brown rust 

Fusarium ear blight* 

Reduction of sooty moulds, rhynchosporium and net blotch 



Powdery mildew 

Brown rust 




Crown rust 


Winter OSR 

Light leaf spot* 

Phoma leaf spot 

Stem canker 

Sclerotinia stem rot 

* moderate control 

Find out more 

For more information about how SORATEL and MAGAN can enhance disease control visit the relevant product pages.

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